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The Hidden Costs of Owning A Pet

Written by: Samantha Boswell, Vet Assistant, Exotic Animal Rehabilitator In my last blog, I talked about wellness exams and their...

Are Wellness Exams Really a Scam?

Written by: Samantha Boswell, Vet Assistant, Exotic Animal Rehabilitator There is this wonderful myth going around about wellness exams...

Keeping Your Reptiles Warm in the Winter

Written by: Samantha Boswell, Vet Assistant, Exotic Animal Rehabilitator I love my apartment. It is perfect for me and my partner. It is...

How to Help Neighbourhood Feral Cats

Written by: Samantha Boswell, Vet Assistant, Exotic Animal Rehabilitator It’s winter time in Canada and though it can be beautiful, it...

Fostering Application

Foster Care Requirements and Description PLEASE READ BEFORE APPLYING This position is a volunteer position, however you will be...

My Dog Has Short Hair!

Written by: Samantha Boswell, Vet Assistant, Exotic Animal Rehabilitator Bathing is STILL important! There are many reasons why bathing...

Low Income Pet Owner? No Problem!

Written by: Samantha Boswell, Vet Assistant, Exotic Animal Rehabilitator I am one of the biggest advocates for making sure you can...

Goldfish Care

Written by: Samantha Boswell, Vet Assistant, Exotic Animal Rehabilitator

Blog: Blog2
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